How do we hear?

Educational and Fun Activities

Written by Alexandra Stone

03 June 2024

đź•“ 5 min

Hearing is one of our most essential senses, allowing us to communicate, enjoy music, and stay aware of our surroundings. But how exactly do our ears work to turn sound waves into something our brain can understand? Let’s take a closer look at the fascinating process of how we hear.

1. The Journey of Sound: From the Air to the Ear

Hearing begins with sound waves, which are vibrations that travel through the air. These sound waves are created by anything that makes noise, like a person talking, a bird singing, or even a car driving by. The sound waves travel until they reach our ears, where the real magic begins.

Here’s the step-by-step process of how we hear:

  1. Outer ear: Sound waves enter the ear through the outer ear, the part we see on the side of our heads. This part acts like a funnel, directing sound into the ear canal.
  2. Ear canal: The sound waves travel down the ear canal until they reach the eardrum. The eardrum is a thin membrane that vibrates when hit by sound waves.
  3. Middle ear: Behind the eardrum is the middle ear, which contains three tiny bones—the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. These bones amplify the vibrations from the eardrum and send them to the inner ear.
  4. Inner ear: The inner ear houses a snail-shaped organ called the cochlea, filled with fluid. When vibrations reach the cochlea, the fluid inside moves, creating ripples.
  5. Hair cells: Inside the cochlea are tiny hair cells that move with the fluid. These movements generate electrical signals that are sent to the brain via the auditory nerve.
  6. The brain: Finally, the brain processes these electrical signals and interprets them as sound—whether it’s a song, a voice, or a dog barking.

To learn more about the ear's structure and how it works, check out our detailed post The Anatomy of the Ear.

2. Why is Hearing Important?

Our ability to hear keeps us connected to the world around us. It allows us to enjoy music, understand speech, and react to potential dangers, like a car horn or a fire alarm. Even the smallest sounds can carry important information, helping us navigate daily life safely and effectively.

For more fascinating insights into the science of sound, explore our blog The Amazing World of Sound: Discover the Secrets of How We Hear!.

3. Fun Activities to Explore Hearing at Home

Curious to teach your child more about how sound and hearing work? Here’s a simple experiment to help children understand sound waves:

  • String telephone: You’ll need two paper cups and a long piece of string. Punch a hole in the bottom of each cup, thread the string through both holes, and tie knots to keep the string in place. Pull the string tight and have two people stand apart. One person speaks into the cup while the other listens with the second cup. The sound waves travel through the string, allowing the person on the other end to hear what’s being said!

For more sound-related experiments, check out 5 Child-Friendly Ways to Visualise Sound at Home.

4. Protecting Your Hearing

Although hearing is a vital sense, it’s also delicate. Loud noises, like listening to music at high volumes or working in noisy environments, can damage our hearing over time. To protect your ears, it’s important to keep the volume at a safe level and wear ear protection when needed. Teaching children about the importance of protecting their hearing can help them maintain good hearing health for life.

For more information on how sound can affect health, read our blog Understanding the Impact of Sound on Human Health.

Final Thoughts

Hearing may seem automatic, but it’s the result of an intricate process involving several parts of the ear and the brain working together. By understanding how we hear, children can develop a greater appreciation for the world of sound and the importance of looking after their ears.

If your child is interested in learning more about sound, why not sign them up for our Science of Sound holiday camps? They’ll experience hands-on experiments and activities that make science fun and exciting! Learn more about our camps and after-school programmes here.

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The Science of Sound